Saya di tag oleh Cik Ninie..Time kasih :)) Sgt byk soalan dia lah.. Tapi best jawab..Okey, 1 2 Start!
Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please DO NOT spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your Blog, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag your friends here in ur follower list to answer this. Then see what happens.
If you're a guy - Post this as "My Kind Of Girl"
If you're a girl - Post it as "My Kind Of Guy"
To whichever gender you prefer, really.
1. Do you need him/her to be good looking? Emm, bia la sedap mate tengok
2. Smart? Semart :)
3. Preferred age? Lebih tua dari saya
4. Preferred height? 170cm..hihik..Asalkan tinggi dari aku..
5. How about sense of humor? Yes, kena pandai buat lawak :)
6. How about piercings? TIDAK, NO, JANGAN,ENGGAK MAHU
7. Accepts you for who you are? Ye, terime diriku seadanya..aku tak reti masak, terime gak! hahah
8. Pink hair? Hitam daa
9. Mushy or no? Mushy tu ape?
10. Thin or fat? Buncit
11. Black, Brown, Yellow or White (skin color)? Gelap, kalo putih cam tak gagah
12. Long hair or short hair? Rambut pendek cacak-cacak
13. Plastic or metal? Coklat, leh tak?
14. Smells good? Yeah, wangi cam Baby..kukukui
15. Smoker? TIDAK, NO, JANGAN!
16. Drinker? TIDAK, NO, JANGAN
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type? Entah
18. Muscular? Perut buncit, dada bidang..hahah..
19. Plays piano? Tidak
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar? Tidak
21. Plays violin? Repair moto ke repair kete lagi bagos
22. Sings very well? Yeah,nyanyi lagu Senja Nan Merah dalam karok
24. With glasses? Tidak
25. With braces? Tidak
26. Shy type? Kadang2 perlu
27. Rebel or good boy/girl? Good man
28. Active or passive? Kadang2 active kadang2 passive
29. Tight or bomb? Ape mende nih
30. Singer or dancer? Peramah..hihi
31. Stunner? Ye kot
32. Hiphop? Tak Mau!
33. Earrings? JANGAN, TIDAK, NO
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop? Tak paham
35. Dimples? Takde
36. Bookworm? Rajin bace paper sudah
37. Mr/Ms. love letter? Perlu kadang2..hihi
38. Playful? Yeah, baru happy
39. Flirt? No
40. Poem writer? No, mesej sudah
41. Serious? Jarang2, kena gak serius
42. Campus crush? Emm, tak
43. Painter? Tgn tak seni pon takpe
44. Religious? Islam
45. Someone who likes to tease people? Hahah, maybe ok macam tu
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak? No, tak perlu..Bia saye sorang ketagih tenet
47. Speaks 20 languages? Huhu, hebat la kalo ade org gini
48. Loyal or faithful? Dua-dua
49. Good kisser? Mane ceq nak tau..
2 Flowers:
hahaha, syafiq tu bukan aku kn????
@Nik Syafiqsyafiq tu kau la adik..hahah..pegi buat cepat
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