February 16, 2025
9 hours ago
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Perhatian ye, segala keinginan sekejap ni memang belum dipenuhi lagi.Kiranya memang aku xbeli pon,tapi teringin saja dan mungkin suatu hari nanti akan dapat dipenuhi jugak keinginan ini.
Source : islamicpostings
- Starting to do something - Say BIS-MILLAH
- Intending do do something - INSHA-ALLAH
- Something is being praised - SUBHAAN-ALLAH
- In pain and distress - YA-ALLAH
- Expressing appreciation - MASHA-ALLAH
- Thanking someone - JAZAK-ALLAH
- Awakening from sleep - LA-ILAHA-ILL ALLAH
- Taking an oath - WALLAH-BILLAH
- Someone else sneezes - YAR-HAMOK-ALLAH
- Repenting for a sin - ASTAGH-FERULAH
- Giving charity - FI-SABI-LILLAH
- Having love for someone - LIHUB-BULLAH
- Getting married - AMAN-TO-BILLAH
- Parting from someone - FI-AMAAN ALLAH
- Problems appear - TAWAK-KALTO-AL-ALLAH
- Unpleasantness appears - NA-UZO-BILLAH
- Pleasantness appears - FATA-BARAK-ALLAH
- Participating in prayer - AMEEN
- Death message is recieved - INNA-LILLAHI-WA INNA-ILAIHI-RAJI-UN
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
Marcel Proust
When a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it.
Edward W. Howe